A very clever parrot: “The finding of a parrot with an almost unparalleled power to communicate with people has brought scientists up short.” Humpback whales engage in tactics: “…A male swimmer has just whipped the whole muscular, tapering rear of its body—the peduncle, which powers the fluke—high in the air. It causes the animal’s front end to swing straight downward, forcing a male that had been hot on its tail to dive to avoid a collision.” I had other tiny bubbles, but I’ve lost ’em. These’ll do. :) miles to…
Category: Uncategorized
back to work
Well, it’s been a lovely most of a month off, but I’ve got to go back to work. (*snivel*) I got the AAs (galleys for the rest of the publishing world, but ‘author alterations’ for Harlequin) back on COYOTE DREAMS last week, and have to turn them in tomorrow, so with a cold or not, I must turn my attention to the words. They’re due tomorrow, which just seems unfair, what with it being the holiday break and all. But my poor editorial assistant is apparently in the office this…
christmas l00t
A Christmas tradition once established that I could do without is being sick. Half of us are sick, although it is not the Great Seattle Puke Fest of ’03, which was legendary. Despite all the colds going around, it’s been a very nice couple days. Sunday night’s pizzas were excellent, making even Breic, who doesn’t like pizza, happy, and he (Ted, not Breic) made danishes for Christmas breakfast. How spoiled we are! An enormous amount of loot was given and recieved, including, will be glad to know, a headset mic…
If there was any doubt in the matter of Neil Gaiman being a good egg, it was dashed a while ago when he mentioned that an age-old tradition can be instantly instigated in a family if it is done once with the proper conviction. This is precisely how many of our family’s traditions have come about. For example, at some point in my relatively early teen years, we had pizza for dinner on Christmas Eve. The next year we had it again, because it was Tradition (“But we ALWAYS have…
almost there…
Presents almost wrapped. Laundry almost done. House almost clean (largely thanks to Ted, who is wonderful). Candy almost finished (I made an *insanely* good batch of fudge last night. Oh, and joy of joys, I’ve finally learned how to make toffee! I was missing the critical step of turning the heat up after the butter is melted! Having done that, the first batch I tried turned out PERFECTLY! This after *years* of frustration and bad toffee! I am *so* pleased!). The shopping is finished in the “I don’t care if…