My year from hell has just officially ended. Oh my God. I’m all O.O. I just turned in the copy edits on COYOTE DREAMS, and that is officially the Very Last Thing that I have due until June 2007. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Manuscripts turned in: HEART OF STONE, COYOTE DREAMS, THE PHOENIX LAW, HOUSE OF CARDS, THE QUEEN’S BASTARD Manuscripts revised to editor spec: HEART OF STONE, COYOTE DREAMS, THE PHOENIX LAW Manuscripts copyedited: COYOTE DREAMS, THE PHOENIX LAW Manuscripts line-edited: THE PHOENIX LAW Manuscripts due: NONE! NONE, I TELL YOU! NOTHING!…
Category: Uncategorized
: -cracks up- : did you do the Firefly thing? : You mean, does my butt light up and blink when I’m trying to sexually attract someone? : … Firefly fridge notes (! complete with the occasional nicked doodle, it appears…)
Ooh! I went downstairs to get breakfast, and discovered that the kitchen fairy had come to visit! The kitchen is much, much cleaner than it was the last time I saw it! Yay for the kitchen fairy! Yeah, all right, this is me desperately avoiding my copy edits. (But that doesn’t make the kitchen fairy any less wonderful!) The four or five days off I’ve had aren’t enough to make me want to work yet. On the other hand, the edits are due Thursday, so I can’t really put them…
the speed of net
Being far too lazy to actually type this out myself, I’m just stealing it wholesale from : (several minutes later, eta: points out neither nor I can actually read instructions. Acephalous appears to actually be running this experiment, and the entry in question to be used is this one, not the one below. :D o.o) is conducting a wee experiment, to establish the speed of meme: to find out actually how far, how fast one new meme can spread across teh interwebs. Here is a link to her entry, that…
the amazing human body!
I screwed up my back horribly what, five years ago now? It’d been slightly wrong before, but I fell off a sidewalk and buggered my knee and hobbled around for six weeks and at the end of it my back was a disaster (between the 5th lumbar and the tailbone my spine curved 3/4ths of an inch to the right. As I said then, and continue to say now because I like to, three quarters of an inch is not a lot, unless you are talking about the placement of…