weigh-in [ww lock]

Ok, I didn’t actually weigh in today, but whatever. Saturday I got back on the wagon and went off sweets. I’m doing 24 WW points a day instead of 22, and I do not know why, but the pyschological difference is fucking *profound*. I’ve been managing 1 or 2 APs a day, so I’m working with a base of 25 or 26 points daily, and that plus the WPA of (divided out evenly) 5 points a day is…no strain at all. My high day of days I counted this week…

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I just looked at the TQB synopsis. Not that I’ve been ignoring it, but I just took a look at it again. I have one page of synopsis left to deal with (the last 3 pages are going to end up as part of the next book in the series. I suddenly have sympathy for authors who start out with a trilogy and discover they’ve got a quintent on their hands.). I have *no idea* how I’m going to fit this last page of synopsis into a mere 120 pages…

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from neil’s website…

From Neil, 17 important things if you want to be a freelancer. #8 particularly struck home: Motivation. I often hear the comment, “I could NEVER be self-employed! You must be so disciplined!” I don’t think that I’m any more disciplined than the next person, and my answer is usually something along the lines of, “There’s nothing more motivating than bills to pay.” I think that there is a misconception that artists have to wait until there is a ‘muse’ who will inspire them towards creativity and industry. Nah. You work…

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Ted, last night, while he was standing in the living room waiting for the cab to pick him up and bring him to work, read the top page of one of the copies of the QUEEN’S BASTARD manuscript that’s lying around. (I think there are two copies currently floating around the house.) He came into the kitchen and said, in amazement, “It’s all… *descriptive*. It’s *gooey*.” I said, “*Gooey*?” and he considered that perhaps that was not the best word for him to have chosen. It was too late by…

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i am WEAK!

*giggles helplessly at self* I should not. I should not be this weak, but there is a perfect and irresitable Princess Bride homage setup at the end of this chapter. I *should not* end this chapter with, “We’ve a wedding to plan, a throne to topple, and Scotland to frame for it.” but i’m GOING TO My editor will probably make me take it out. My editor probably *should* make me take it out. But by God I will keep it in until somebody makes me remove it. :) Man.…

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