Ho Lee Cow, boys and girls. I’ve got a comic book. No colors yet, no letters. But Ardian just sent me the last of the inks, and I decided I’d post the first five pages, from roughs to inks, for people to see. I’ll probably add colors and letters when I get ’em. This is pretty goddamned cool. :) (Mom and I were talking about how comic book scripts are written, and I explained that I write out all the panels the way I imagine then, and she sort of…
Category: Uncategorized
Today has been the kind of day where I’ve never really gotten dressed. I mean, I am wearing clothes, but they aren’t recognizeable as the sort of thing you might be willing to leave the house in. Consequently, I haven’t. I should probably do some laundry tonight. I’ve finished chapters 27-29. The book is 444 pages long and 103 thousand words or so. I have 3-5 chapters left. says if I write a chapter tonight, she’ll do 20 things on her to-do list. I’m going to write about the con…
I forgot how hard this was. I have not been eating at all badly today, but holy crud, 22 points is just not a lot. Even 27 with WPA is … gaaah. And I haven’t had dinner yet. Gaaah!
I haven’t been posting much about the Chance project lately. This isn’t because it’s dead in the water, but because, erm. I just haven’t been. Ardian’s been doing the inks, which is kind of cool, because not only does it mean the lines of his work are definitely being preserved, but also every time I get an inked page it’s at least subtlely, and sometimes significantly, different from the ‘final’ pencils that I saw. I’ve got more than half the inked pages now and might, assuming email behaves properly, get…
comic book storytelling
The ideal of a comic book is to tell a story so well wedded between words and pictures that it’s incomplete without one of those aspects. More or less any comic book does that as a run of the mill storytelling aspect, with occasional forays into all-silent issues or, in Terry Moore’s case, periodic breaks into actual prose when there’s too much story to tell in a short period of time through art and limited wordspace. More, perhaps, than many storytelling formats, it’s rare to see the genre used to…