Bestselling Author C.E. Murphy…

Just got email from . THUNDERBIRD FALLS is #3 on the Locus Trade Paperback Bestseller list for August. That, as my husband just said, doesn’t suck. *beams like an idiot*

all right…

I finished my latest chapter at 399 pages, and I’m calling that good enough. I have a week off now. I’m going to *revel* in it, demmit. …well. That appears to be all I have to say. :) miles to Isengard: 203 ytd wordcount: 264,700


I’ve just been hit by the MUST DO IT NOW urge to print out HOUSE OF CARDS and go back and do massive pacing restructuring. I suspect this is end-of-bookitis and is more indicative of not waaanting to fiiiiinish it because haven’t I done enooooogh aaaallllreeaaaddddyyyy than anything else. And I won’t really know until I’ve written several more (which may mean ‘all the rest of the’) chapters whether the pacing is going to *need* restructuring. I think it very well might. This, however, is not the time to do…

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up! down! up! down! up!

Back to my usual perky self this morning. Still not sure if I’m going to MeCon, though Ted informed me last night it was silly to not go just because he couldn’t. I must remind him to be certain to get the Octocon weekend off so we can *both* go to that. I have had GoLean Crunch with blueberries for breakfast. My life is good. :) Also, I watched the PotC extras dvd last night and got to giggle over Orlando Bloom going “Swash swash buckle buckle!” which was ridiculously…

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Moop. Billy Joel tickets are turning out to be more of a you-know-what in the ass than are worth it, so I’m not going to go to the concert. Turns out the fiddler gig I hoped to sneak up to Westport to see was last night, rather than the second week of August as I’d gotten it into my head. Ted looked sufficiently dismayed at the idea of missing MeCon while I got to go that I expect I won’t be going to that, either. I’ve just had a second…

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