Piano Man

Billy Joel is playing in Dublin on Saturday. Ted and I had thought we’d go, but he’s got to work. I can still almost certainly get a ticket, although not a great one. Not a bad one, just not a great one. Ted said (though I haven’t verified that he was not just Being Noble) I should go if I could get a ticket. So:

unexpected success

I thought I really needed to do something besides sit at the computer playing CoH or writing all day, so I seized my determination and decided to do a drawing. It turned out *far* better than I anticipated. It’s not perfect; if you compare it to the traced one immediately before it, well, I can see the flaws, but they make for consistency within the drawing itself, so I’m actually really happy with it, and totally surprised. I figured it would take several tries to get the line of her…

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moz’ excellent

I’m currently 2K short of achieving a NNWM month in wordcount. I’d say this puts me on track for Most Productive Month Ever, as I believe my NNWM tally was 63 or 68 or something like that K, and it bled over a couple-three days into December. Feeling pretty pleased just now, so I am. :) Plus, tomorrow I get to write gargoyle sex, in which I will avidly avoid the phrase “hard as a rock” and anything like it, thank you very much for all you people who have…

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urgency, anyone?

I seem to have not instilled much sense of urgency in my little pumpkin head regarding getting this book done by the end of the month. This is in large part, I expect, because the end of the month is an artificial deadline, although it would certainly make the *next* deadline easier. Oh well. 1500 words today. It’ll do. (The other problem is this chapter has a lot of description in it, which is hard, so I’m not exactly approaching it with enthusiasm. Just gotta keep chugging through it. Sigh.)…

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brief note

Just a brief note to say I’m alive. I need to re-instigate the “no internet computer until the words are done” rule, it seems, as I’ve been dorking around online a great deal and not doing any work at all. Or not much, anyway. Chapter 20 is finally done and I think I have about 12 more, and at this point I need to write 2 a day in order to finish by the end of the month. Not impossible (or even all that difficult, if I just bleeding well…

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