I almost got out of bed at 6:50 this morning, but I didn’t make it until 7:30. I was really tired, though. Busy weekend. *sleepy eyes* I have something like 17 days before guests start to descend. I will probably not write 5K on all of those 17 days, but my Stated Intention is to write 5K on at least 14 of those 17 days. That puts me well short of a book by the time they arrive, but …ok, wtf is wrong with the internet? My connection *sucks*. I…
Category: Uncategorized
Fwoosh! Lots of tiredness here at this house tonight! Deirdre and Gavin arrived Friday evening at about a quarter to midnight; as Mom said, “And you went to bed at 10 to midnight?” Pretty much. :) Deirdre got to SLEEP IN all weekend! Woot! :) Although how she slept in through the bloody cats meowing all last night and her boys waking up at 7ish this morning, I don’t know. They went into Cork before us after a breakfast of blueberry pancakes (mmMMmm!), and had a fine time trundling around,…
Ted’s on a kick to prove he can cook, or something. Good Lord. He made a stuffed pork loin and braised leeks for dinner and followed it up with chocolate mousse with a raspberry coulis, which I greedily had two servings of. Ye gods. Dinner was one of those wonderful meals where the last bite was as good as the first one. I’m going to have to start … restraining myself, or exercising a lot more, if he’s going to be cooking like this. God in Heaven. *staggers around in…
Somebody just pointed out something I’d forgotten I’d written at the end of FIREBIRD DECEPTION which is in direct contrast to something I’ve written in PHOENIX LAW. I can probably fix it with a few sentences, but boy, right now I’m thinking of Joss Whedon’s, “Consistency in your universe is God. All must bow before it–unless you happen to think of something really, really cool,” as the way to deal with internal consistency in your world. :) Writing is hard!
o deer whut m i doing up?
We *did* trundle down to the tall ship concert, but the ship wasn’t very impressive and the concert wasn’t what we wanted to hear, so mostly we had an extremely nice walk down into Cobh and back again over a couple hours. Looovely evening. Lovely day overall, in fact, though I didn’t work a lick. I’d been feeling like I was really wasting time until Ted said, “Well, you started out great guns this week!” and I remembered I had, at least, revised the first 90 pages of HoC. So…