Speaking of visualization, today’s kitsnaps photo is another one I’m especially proud of. , I accidentally deleted your comment while killing spam. Sorry. O.O From , deep in the comments on the visualization thread, we have a couple of rebound qusetions: For those that don’t visualize, do you remember your dreams? And how do you daydream? I do remember my dreams, and they’re typically visual. Once in a while I’ll be reading the story of the dream (and holy *gods* is it frustrating to then wake up and be unable…
Category: Uncategorized
I’ve had all kinds of fun conversations today. One was about perceived popularity. I’m going to write about that later, but right now I’ve gotten into the visualization conversation on Too, and I think it’s completely fascinating, so I’m going to talk about that instead. I discovered about three years ago that people see pictures in their heads. When they read, when they listen to music, when they’re told stories, they get pictures in their heads. I do not get pictures in my head. Not when I’m reading, not when…
good day!
I hear it’s your birthday! It’s my birthday too! Wow, holy cow, my flist is full of birthday wishes. Thank you all! Happy birthday PARTICULARLY to and . *beam* It’s been a very nice day. Ted made me WAFFLES for breakfast! We got a waffle iron yesterday and he had to make sure it worked! It worked very well. :) Then he gave me PRESENTS! The Producers soundtrack, which I didn’t expect at all, the collector’s edition of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which I didn’t expect at…
Hair color: much better. Not striped. I am now going to do nothing to it for 6 weeks and then make some kind of decision about whether I’m going to keep it long or not. Right now it’s pretty dry and thrashed from the stripping treatment, but I have expensive shampoo and conditioner, and the brutal hairdresser assured me that with patience and continued use my hair would work its way back to normal. Man, my scalp hurts. Irish hairdressers are not gentle. Ow. Also, my Young Dubliners t-shirt did…
hair fix #3
Going in this afternoon to try for the third time to get my hair fixed. I swear if there’s even the slightest hitch I’m getting it cut off. Tammy apparently scored a Rogue X3 poster for me while she was at Balticon last weekend. I have excellent friends. *beam* is burning through season one of La Femme Nikita at an outrageous rate, and making me cackle with delight. I warned her about eight million times that the first several episodes aren’t any good at all, and then there’s a sudden…