into every rain some sun must fall

On the other hand, while we were standing at the train station I said to Ted I didn’t know what I was going to do about the end of the book, and by the time we got on the train I had an idea of what I was going to do, because Ted is a plot machine. He came up with a really good idea that doesn’t solve everything, but it gives me somewhere to start, and it’ll make for a much more interesting ending than the book currently has.…

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Well, that was a big fat waste of time.

I went into the hairdresser’s mostly to be told they’d forgotten to do an allergy test, and hadn’t gotten my phone number so they could call me in to do one, so they couldn’t do anything to my hair until at least 48 hours from now, after they’ve done a skin test. Which means that after two years of using X3 as a reason to stick it out with the whole growing the hair thing, I am not going to have fun cool Rogue hair for the movie after all.…

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LibraryThing, I think I love you

I should be writing, because I’ve got to get on the 1:30 train into Cork today, so my time’s a little limited, buuuut… This morning I had email from LibraryThing creator Tim Spalding, who’s added a new LT feature: LibraryThing Authors. It’s basically just a way for users to easily find what books their favorite authors might have on their shelves, but I think it’s pretty darned nifty. :) (25 minutes later: This is me, LEAVING LIBRARYTHING AND GOING TO WORK!)

chugging along

There’s a blackbird with a very orange beak and a great big fat worm in his beak sitting in the green green grass of the back yard. I’ve seen him here before; we must have a nice wormy back yard. I got through writing out the line edits and got half of them typed into the manuscript, which isn’t as far as I wanted to get but it’s after 9 and I’ve been at the computer most of the day, so sod it. I’ve made a few moderate changes to…

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bitch bitch bitch

Man. I just do not want to deal with this book. I am anyway, because hey, that’s my job, but jeez, the closer I get to the beginning of it, the less I want to read the notes and figure out how to fix details and gnrgh. (Typically this is how I would feel as I approached the end, but since I started at the end…) It’s none of it insurmountable. It’s just hateful. Hate hate hate. I don’t usually *not want* to do revisions this badly, but then, this…

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