I got two thirds of the way through the ms and my brain couldn’t take it anymore, so I took a nap on Ted. Now it’s late and I’m all awake, so I guess I’m going to do a tiny bubbles posting, ’cause I’ve been collecting links and stuff for one for a couple weeks now. Now to see if I can find them all… From Deirdre, Enchanted Doll. This is generally NWS. And from Marith, Sous la Mer, which is NWS at *all*, but holy wow, beautiful work. I…
Category: Uncategorized
wurk wurk wurk
The WMP on this computer appears to be grabbing all the virtual memory and swallowing it for lunch. I don’t listen to music enough to make a different media player worth paying for, but does anybody have a rec on what other free MP might be better? I did just do updates for the computer, so maybe that’ll help, but maybe it won’t, either. I’m going through HEART OF STONE backwards. Ted said, “Is it better that way?” and when I gave him a dull-eyed stare he laughed and said,…
God is a Bon Jovi fan.
It’s been raining for days here. Pissing down, in fact. It was raining when we left Cork for Dublin yesterday morning. It was rained on the way up. Somewhere around Kildare, we saw signs of sunlight. The girl sitting across from us, who was also going to the concert, said, “Maybe if all eighty thousand of us huff and puff at the sky, the clouds will go away.” Ted said, “You just have to believe.” He kept saying that the rest of the afternoon. I kept singing “Keep the faith,”…
sooooooo tired
We took the early train into Cork yesterday, rather than the cutting-it-close train, and it turned out it was a damned good thing, because it was standing room only all the way from Cork to Dublin, for those poor bastards who got on closer to the time it left, or at later stations. *Enormous* numbers of people were obviously going to the concert, and everybody seemed to be in quite high fine moods, and I was so tired I kept dozing off, which is really unusual for me on a…
mostly movies
Having watched The Da Vinci Code, I now understand why people keep saying THE CARDINAL RULE is like it. It is. Sort of. In that they both have secret societies and the Catholic church has some involvement with those societies. I thought several times during the movie, “Sure, if I were writing this story instead of Dan Brown, I might have written the Strongbox Chronicles instead of this,” which probably doesn’t make much sense, but it’s kind of the only way I can describe it. Anyway, I liked the movie…