I did a minor redesign on cemurphy.net, and while I’ve always been happy with the design, I’m considerably happier with it now. There are some (generally minor) issues with it, particularly with IE, and I need to go through the quotes so I’m not spilling over on multi-lined ones, but it’s a nice sleek 3 column layout now, and anybody who at one time had trouble with the navigational drop-downs should no longer have problems. I thought the dropdowns were very sexy, but oh well. The fluid 3 column thing…
Category: Uncategorized
comic stuff
I found myself an inker for Chance, if I can afford him. He’s doing a test page and I’ll pay him as much as I can bloody afford, because he’s a *very* good inker. This is definitely a problem with doing a comic book out of pocket and having a Certain Expectation as to the level of quality I want to produce. @.@ Fuck. Can’t afford him. Can’t afford him in a big way. $60/p. Fuck. I’m not paying my *artist* that much. Damn. Damn damn damn. Well, at least…
terrible geek
Or perhaps very good geek. It’s hard to tell the difference. I was poking around ebay last night (always a bad sign) and came across one of the–well, I’d seen them at train stations, but they call them bus shelter–X3 promotional posters. For Rogue, obviously; none of the others would tempt me. By “tempt” I mean “when we were in New York and taking the train out to Sunnybrook, we went by a number of stations that had X3 posters, and I was tempted to get off and steal one…
from the wild
Photo from of THUNDERBIRD FALLS in the wild: And of the Locus back cover, sneakily turned around to prominently display a GINORMOUS AD for THUNDERBIRD: I have good friends. :) Other people have sent me other photos of books in the wild, mostly, I believe, CARDINAL RULE (though I’ve got a great picture of Angie with URBAN SHAMAN, at least), and I have been incredibly lame about posting them. However, I promise that if people send me more sighting photos, I’ll post with more regularity.
I went in and asked if they could fix my hair by dying it back to something resembling its natural color. Unfortunately, they couldn’t, because they said they couldn’t do anything until it was less saturated. She told me to get Head & Shoulders shampoo, which strips color. Who knew? So I did. I did get the layers cut out, so it’s all one length now except the ‘bangs’, and it’s still past my shoulders, and all the nasty dead ends are gone, so I’m considerably happier with the cut,…