mental health morning

Or maybe mental health day. Not a good sign to be taking one after 2 days of work, but I got revision notes on HEART OF STONE _and_ PHOENIX LAW, and that always requires some mental health time. As usual, ever so frustratingly, most of the notes are utterly legit. HEART OF STONE is particularly depressing because I am full of hate and loathing for that book at this point, and the “increase sensuality” part of the notes just makes me want to slam my head against the wall a…

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daily grind

I got started an hour late today, so by 3pm I only had 4100 words. Then, most awfully, I noticed it was only another 1100 words to 20K on the book, so obviously the day’s goal was not 5K, but 5200 words. And at 3pm I *reaaaaaaalllllly* didn’t feel like writing anymore. So I came downstairs to log on and whine, and found that Ted had sent me a copy of the Rogue poster for X3. (I am despondent. My hair is nowhere near long enough for X3 Rogue. It…

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fad diets

Last week, linked to something called the Shangri-La diet, which is not precisely a diet, but more accurately a trick for making your body think it’s fuller than it is so it burns fat. The way you do this is by consuming “tasteless” calories outside of a period of time in which you normally eat. (So if you have lunch from 12-12:30, you might have your “tasteless” calories at 2, and then a snack at 3:30 or wait for dinner or whatever.) The guy who made it up determined you…

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would you…

Would you like to hear something funny? I just noticed I have a link to ButcherCon on the front fucking page of

oh my GOD

I just got email from . She says the entire back cover of this month’s Locus magazine is an ad for THUNDERBIRD FALLS. *falls over, gasping heart and going HREEF*! Who’s getting me a copy?! I don’t have a subscription at the moment! EEEEEEE *runs around beaming*!