I bleached my hair this morning. Not very successfully, either, god damn it. I *knew* I should have picked up the stuff I used in the States when I saw it while we were in NYC. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s the only bleach that’s given me the blondeness that I wanted. Now I’ve got sort of reddish-yellow roots and the rest of _didn’t even change colors_. It’s vaguely lighter. God damn it. I’m pretty grumpy about this. I’ve been dithering over whether I wanted to damage…
Category: Uncategorized
*snorts violently at * Go on. Go read this entry. Go ahead. Then come back here, where I will say: I suppose there’s really no point in posting a response to that and saying, “Except I did not *get* introduced to Mercedes Lackey that weekend; the closest we came to speaking to one another was singing a song from “Oklahoma” from opposite ends of the yard, along with eight other people.”
Heep heep hooray! The script for Chance #2 is done! I think this one only took me about 24 hours, instead of 40, although it’s 2000 words longer. 24 hours is good. Jesus, have I *nothing* interesting to talk about? Perhaps I should do a week’s worth of post topics, where people can ask me a question or give me a topic and I’ll write about it. Except I’m not sure I could stand the public humiliation of announcing a topic post week and discovering nobody thought I knew anything…
Breic, a while ago, picked up the phrase, “Forget about it,” only he said “Fuhgedaboudit.” This was accompanied by a deep, soul-shaking sigh, a deep slump of his shoulders and the heavy hang-doggedness of a lowered head. Sometimes he would put his hands in his pockets, making the whole thing that much more melodramatic. (Then he would peek at you carefully, out of the corner of his eye, to see if his pathos had the desired effect.) He stopped saying and doing this after not very long (the rest of…
Stayed up far too late last night. *sleepy eyes* We went into Cork to watch “16 Blocks” yesterday. I liked “Inside Man”. It didn’t cheat. It was a good, solid, intelligent movie with decent characterizations and good actors. “16 Blocks” blew it out of the water, in my opinion. Bruce Willis looked so awful he looked gorgeous, his physical acting was above and beyond anything I’ve seen out of him, his line delivery was so not-Willis that the five or so times he said something that *did* sound like Bruce…