weekender update

Mom and Dad came down yesterday and did not shriek in horror at the state of the house. Whew. :) We went into Cork and bobbled around a bit, then drove over a bunch of Cobh we hadn’t seen, which was pretty cool, and then showed Mom the town of Cobh, which she thought might be even prettier than Wicklow town. We like it here, we do we do. We took pictures and pointed out the five things we knew about Cork City (thanks, !) and generally had a really…

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panic! panic!

Email from Mom saying they were driving down to visit prompted us to run around like headless chickens and CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. The second bedroom is Almost Under Control now. Almost. The house in general looks pretty decent. And it only took an hour. :) I seem to have defeated the cold. Yay! Oh, and the bread is rising; I think I’d been using too much salt. Duh. Either that or it’s gotten over it being Passover… (Ted said, “This is a Catholic country.” I said, “Maybe the yeast isn’t…

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So. Tired.

I actually finished chapter two on SBX4. Go me. 2700 words, which isn’t a LOT, but it’s not bad, particularly for my brain being all gooey and tired. Then I read Michele Hauf’s GOSSAMYR, so it’s been a nice quiet evening. Ok, the truth is, the only real reason I have for making this post is to keep track of my ytd wordcount. Well, that and to mention that Ted made honey-dijon marinated pork chops and some sort of rather exotic mashed potatoes that involved yogurt and leeks and cabbage…

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jest stuff

I hate having a cold. I feel fine from the nose down. :P From the nose up I’m stuffy, my eyes are tired, my ears are popping, and my brain feels thick. Bah. Apparently Capital One’s car insurance does not cover accidents in Israel, somewhere else, and Ireland, both in the north and the republic. Dammit. :P I mean, we had coverage through the car rental agency, but we had a 900 euro deductible, so, well, dammit. Oh well. Nothing to be done about it. For someone with a stuffy…

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interviewy goodness

Timing nicely with THUNDERBIRD FALLS’ release, I have an interview up at Out of the Blogosphere, a blog promoting authors of paranormal fiction. (It actually says it’s a blog of paranormal authors, but I think that gives a rather different impression, don’t you?) And I hope the other interview I did recently will be available soon, but I donno when or where it’ll be, so this’ll have to do for a while. :) I’m afraid I have very little in the way of an excuse to not go write, so…

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