interviewy goodness

Timing nicely with THUNDERBIRD FALLS’ release, I have an interview up at Out of the Blogosphere, a blog promoting authors of paranormal fiction. (It actually says it’s a blog of paranormal authors, but I think that gives a rather different impression, don’t you?) And I hope the other interview I did recently will be available soon, but I donno when or where it’ll be, so this’ll have to do for a while. :)

I’m afraid I have very little in the way of an excuse to not go write, so I think I’m going to go do that.

3 thoughts on “interviewy goodness

  1. paranormal authors

    So you’re not a vampire or a zombie or some such? How mundane… :)

  2. There may be an argument for vampire, given how fast I burn in the sun, and I do like my steaks rare…

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