Kit and Ted’s Very Busy Day

It’s only 2pm and I’m pooped. Ted and I reclaimed, or more accurately, laid claim, to the kitchen/dining room area this morning. I finally packed up the last box of kitchen stuff that belonged to the landlord and we put it in the little storage shed in the back yard, which proved (to my surprise and relief) to be capable of holding all those boxes of kitchen stuff. Then we put all of our own stuff away. *Most* of it had been away, but the kitchen table was piled up…

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And to top off the evening, from , 1) Why Ireland? Lifetime dream come to fruition. My grandfather was born in Ireland, so my sister and I have (through a literal grandfather clause!) citizenship, which makes it comparatively easy to move here. There are political and financial reasons, too (or there might be the latter if the dollar wasn’t so low against the euro), but mostly it’s because we *could*. It’s an adventure! 2) Why Cork? Ted got a job down here. *laugh* Beyond that, it’s a big enough city…

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BWAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAA *laugh*! So very, VERY smug! Several weeks ago, in comments on ‘s journal, admired the cover for FIREBIRD DECEPTION, saying he “could almost make myself buy a romance for that Dermody cover…” This was followed by me saying they were spy novels, and him saying: Hrm… Maybe if I moved the price sticker to cover the publisher’s logo…or arranged to get an autographed copy inscribed something like this: “Dearest , It’s not a romance, it’s a [favorite epithet here] spy thriller! Get over your insecurities about your manhood and…

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*contented sigh*

I have just finished reading WORLDWIRED, which was every bit as good as I expected it to be. persists in telling the kind of story I’d never think of but wish I could, in words I’d never use but wish I would, which generally comes around to “she’s a better writer than I am” in my mind. (Given that Ebear’s first novel(s) were selected for and won a Campbell, there may be some justification for this, actually.) It sort of gives me something to aspire to, and at the same…

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I have decided…

…to slack off and read books. I do need to do the SBX4 proposal, so I won’t be slacking off 100%, and I’d like to get the Chance beatsheets done. But I’ve mostly decided I’m just going to relax, read, take walks, go into Cork, do all that sort of mellow low-key thing, and not feel badly for not getting more Work Things done. I’m going to work on unpacking the house, too, so I can get Nook set up in time to be able to write HOUSE OF CARDS…

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