I have procrastinated just about all I can. I spent a while yesterday working on a short story for an anthology, finally deciding I had an entertaining main character that I could probably write a novel about, but I had no plot that would work for a 5000 word story, so I regretfully bowed out of the anthology and stopped dorking around with the story. Then I spent a bunch more time reading the Image Comics forums. Ted and I watched “Hudson Hawk”. I walked yesterday! And got rained on.…
Category: Uncategorized
not *precisely* back on points…
…but back on the wagon. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m counting points, but I’m off sugar as of … well, I had two cookies Thursday, so I guess technically it’s as of Friday. Granted, it’s only been what, 36 hours, but still. :) For the record, “off sugar” means “no sweets in general, but I can have a spoonful of sugar on my cereal, gorp (which they don’t seem to have in this country, not that I’ve looked very hard) and a palmful of chocolate chips…
Ack. Two questions: anybody know how to…um. I don’t even know how to ask the question. Let me start at the beginning: I just went back to mizkit.com and discovered the old MT site had reloaded itself over my new LJ version. I went into MT and changed the output file for the index to a different name, which may or may not do the trick; I don’t know why it reloaded in the first place, as I hadn’t made a new entry. Someone did comment, I think. Maybe that…
I couldn’t think of a reason to not just switch to the LJ thing now. I have no idea if the mizkit_feed will pick up the lj posts or not. I have the vague idea it won’t, but if it does and people get spammed, um, sorry. I’ve set anonymous comments to be screened, for the moment, and will decide after I get a lil’ more feedback whether I’ll just turn ’em on or what. I’ve even downloaded Semagic for my computer. Gosh, I’m so spiffy. And let me tell…
sorry for the flist spam…
Sorry for those of you who see this twice, but I’m trying to avoid you having to see more than this twice, at least. I have managed to create a hybrid of LJ design capabilities and my own site that I am, if not perfectly happy with, at least reasonably content with. There’s still some color fiddling to do, but that’s pretty nit-picky. At this point, the LJ and the main page will look alike, except the LJ is missing the photographer silhouette and the quote. It Will Do. This…