posting from cork

Ted and I came into Cork to go see V for Vendetta, got somewhat misplaced in looking for the movie theatre, and eventually found our way to an internet shop so I could check email and, er, post this. We’re supposed to have net access within 5 to 7 working days of sometime last week, so I think by Wednesday, but Wednesday we’re leaving for New York, so I may not get to my regular email until next Tuesday or so. We went out and walked about Cobh yesterday, because…

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about the Chance project

asked if Chance was a spec project or something I’d gotten a publisher for already, so I thought I’d talk about that some. (The short answer is, this is on spec. For the longer answer, read on.) Chance started out as me wanting a project to work on my sequential art skills with. About three weeks after I decided that’d be a good thing to do, Marvel announced it was reopening its Epic line, and that it’d be a creator-owned, creator-controlled line, like Image Comics produces. I wrote a script,…

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just a quick note

Just a quick note. We’re in Cork to check out the St. Patrick’s Day festivities (which include, apparently, a very large food fair; oh, the horrors). I’m going to take lots of pictures. :) Ted’s arm is feeling better, though obviously far from well yet. He’s been doing a fairly massive amount of unpacking. Massive even for somebody with two arms, but for someone with a broken wing it’s particularly impressive. While he’s been doing that, I’ve mostly been writing (though yesterday was interrupted by reading CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS,…

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a brief update…

A brief update before I go racing off to catch the train to Cobh. I came out to Athy at about 9pm last night and spent an hour and a half getting the downstairs as straightened up for the movers as I could, ie, getting rid of scraps of paper, moving things that weren’t going with us somewhere else, doing laundry and dishes, that kind of exciting thing. I got up at 6:10 this morning to do the same thing to the upstairs from about 7 to 8:30, when the…

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