The astute among you will notice that it is once more past midnight and I am once more up and posting. *snorts at self* The con doesn’t start til 10. Maybe I can sleep in a bit. :) I got to meet and hang out with Juliet McKenna and Charlie Stross, the latter of whom was accompanied by Feorag and Fluff Cthulu, whose mission in life is to eat people’s brains (a kindred spirit, Trip!), and say, “Shit,” in admiring disgust at the story of how Paul Cornell got to…
Category: Uncategorized
Okay. Here’s how it’s all fallen out. Ted and I aren’t going to Seattle after all. Ted did get the days off–Tuesday through Friday next week–but had to work Saturday the 18th, which meant flying on Tuesday, being there Wednesday, and flying on Thursday so we’d be back Friday morning so he could get to work on Saturday. And all for the low low cost of a minimum of $1208 a ticket. So instead of horribly discombobulating ourselves for the sake of a single day in Seattle, we’re just going…
it’s morning already?
I woke up at about 6:20 this morning. Blee. (Hi, Michael!) I wanted to be up by 7 so I could call Ted and Jenn, and my brain was apparently worried about oversleeping. I’d set the alarm. Foolish brain. So I lay around for a while, then got up and did call Ted at 7, and he didn’t loathe me for not calling last night. I’d just gotten in too late. He sounded pretty cheerful, so that’s good. And I called Jenn, who was Very Awake; I didn’t even hear…
wretched wife :(
I am a completely wretched wife and forgot to call my husband this evening. I missed a call from him, too, ’cause the noise in the pub was too much for my cell phone. By the time I remembered, it was after 11 and too late to call somebody who’s been getting up at 6 to go to work. And the horrible dog has been acting out because she’s in a new house and she’s being left alone all day, which she’s totally unaccustomed to, so poor Ted, whether he’s…
walky walky
It’s almost midnight. I didn’t mean to stay up until almost midnight. I stayed up til like 12:30 last night. This is not a good trend. *sleepy eyes* OTOH, it’s been a pretty cool day. I got a few hundred words written, then went out to the airport to meet The Best Agent Ever, who’s come to visit me for a day and a half. As the only picture I’d ever seen of her is the 100×100 pixel icon on her livejournal, there was pretty much no chance of me…