Six days before a book is due is probably not the best time to decide thirty thousand words need to be ripped from it, the rest needs to be stitched together and re-written, and the end needs to be completely fixed. On the other hand, I’m getting an increasingly solid handle on what needs to be done, and I’m feeling rather perky about my doom. It’s going to be a very busy weekend, but the book will be much much *much* better for it. I may or may not get…
Category: Uncategorized
It is fairly clearly going to kill me to choose an artist to work with, if Chance goes forward. I’ve gotten two samples from the five artists I’ve narrowed it down to; one is very American Superhero, with a lot of fluidity and grace in the work. The other is angular and strong and at just a glance stands out from the crowd as a different style, which is appealing in and of itself. Email from a third promises roughs in the next couple of days, and *that* artist’s work…
beta readers & temper
i have regained most of my temper, at this point, and feel less screechy. this is in large part because i have the best daddy in the world and he got me a printout of the manuscript, which means i am now capable of doing meaningful edits on it. i will work very hard tomorrow and friday and send it to those beta readers i have contacted friday evening (my time). which translates to: thank you, *all* of you, who volunteered as beta readers. i’ve got my victvolunteers, and i…
God *damn* it god *damn* it god *damn* it god *damn* it, I just fried my motherfucking printer’s power source and I need to print this piece of shit book out and read it on paper so I can fucking rewrite it and *god damn it*, god damn it god *damn* it. i’m emailing it to dad who is going to get it printed out in dublin. hopefully today. guess i’m taking the next train in, although i guess i might as well wait to see if it can get…
early morning procrastinatory techniques
I have begun laundry and swept the downstairs, collecting enough fur to make a small dog in the process, in order to avoid going to work. The next things I can do to procrastinate are vacuum the stairs and change the kitty litter. I really hate vacuuming, so I’m going to work instead. :) The boys are off to Cork to look at houses. They’re staying overnight, so I am AWWW AWOOOONE til tomorrow evening, probably. I’m going to have to *cook* for myself. How awful is that, I ask…