Okay, so incentive levels for a KS campaign: A number of KS campaigns have lately been running “unlocked rewards”, where if you donate a certain dollar amount it turns out you get something extra spiffy as a surprise. At least, I think that’s how it’s working. What kinds of things do you guys think would qualify as extra spiffy? There are also frequently limited rewards at higher donation amounts. Aside from my general silly ones ($5000: I will hand-deliver your special-edition signed chapbook to you, $7500: …and sing “You Are…
Category: Uncategorized
Kickstarter campaign
Okay, I think I’m going to run a Kickstarter campaign. See, in the middle of writing RAVEN CALLS–which, like all the Walker Papers, is of course a first-person point of view story told by Joanne Walker–something happened and for the first time ever I had the urge (nearly irresistable, in fact), to lark off, change viewpoint characters, and tell somebody else’s story. Gary’s story, in fact. Not necessarily all of it, because, well, he’s 74 years old and it might take an entire series of its own to tell Gary’s…
social networked out
Apropos of pretty much nothing, I gotta say that having joined G+ and all, my reaction is not “wean other social networks off & just use G+” so much as it is “I’m pretty sick of social networks & am not wildly inclined to use any of them anymore.” I’m finding that to be a rock and a hard place, though, professionally speaking. Between G+, Twitter & FB I’ve got somewhere in the region of 2500 followers (a fair percentage of whom, I’m sure, are repeat offenders, but many of…
Ok, that’s one non-refundable plane ticket to New York purchased, so I guess I’ll be seeing y’all at Comic Con. I’m coming in Wednesday and leaving lateish Sunday night. Thus far Agrimony has dibs on one meal slot, and I figure my editor & agent (if she’s in town) get another. That leaves…how many? Several! Up for grabs! :)
…or maybe I should just leave retelling fairy tales to Ursula, and go fling myself in a pit instead. (When I had read only the first half of the entry, I had been going to make an appendix to *this* entry saying “It’s utterly beside the point that I want to tell grown-up versions of fairy tales, dark and creepy if I can manage it, and Ursula is going for delightful and charming and for children, and it is also utterly beside the point that I can write charming childrens’…