writer’s weekend

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present to you the 2004 Writer’s Weekend website. Come one and all, and register, ’cause it’s sure to be another great party next year. :)

Writer’s Weekend

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present to you the 2004 Writer’s Weekend website. Come one and all and sign up; it’s sure to be a great party again next year!

some pictures!

Some pictures of the wedding and Tor books, hidden behind a cut tag ’cause there are several. Except for the gratuitous puppy shot: Bridesmaids (and bride!) ‘on the rocks’, as Laura said: One of the camp kitties, also known as the Ben Calming Device: Ted, Mr. Photographer Man: Mary Anne and Jen: The gride and broom: And the Flatiron Building and Tor’s slushpile:


Some pictures of the wedding and Tor books, hidden behind a cut tag ’cause there are several. Except for the gratuitous puppy shot:

chip chip chip!

Chip chip chipper me! All this writing stuff is good. *beam* Although, just for the record, I want to point out that I’ve got nothing like a book contract with Tor, or anything; heck, they haven’t even finished reading the novel. It was just a really nice conversation with Teresa. :) Very positive. :) Hungry me, too. Hung hung hung. I should get breakfast. It’s, lemme see, what was I going to say? Oh yah. I was a Good Human yesterday, and actually brought Chanti for a walk, even if…

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