Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present to you the 2004 Writer’s Weekend website. Come one and all, and register, ’cause it’s sure to be another great party next year. :)
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Writer’s Weekend
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present to you the 2004 Writer’s Weekend website. Come one and all and sign up; it’s sure to be a great party again next year!
some pictures!
Some pictures of the wedding and Tor books, hidden behind a cut tag ’cause there are several. Except for the gratuitous puppy shot: Bridesmaids (and bride!) ‘on the rocks’, as Laura said: One of the camp kitties, also known as the Ben Calming Device: Ted, Mr. Photographer Man: Mary Anne and Jen: The gride and broom: And the Flatiron Building and Tor’s slushpile:
Some pictures of the wedding and Tor books, hidden behind a cut tag ’cause there are several. Except for the gratuitous puppy shot:
chip chip chip!
Chip chip chipper me! All this writing stuff is good. *beam* Although, just for the record, I want to point out that I’ve got nothing like a book contract with Tor, or anything; heck, they haven’t even finished reading the novel. It was just a really nice conversation with Teresa. :) Very positive. :) Hungry me, too. Hung hung hung. I should get breakfast. It’s, lemme see, what was I going to say? Oh yah. I was a Good Human yesterday, and actually brought Chanti for a walk, even if…