
Man. Sunday I worked all morning and then at 2pm Ted and I decided to drive down to Kenai, where we went and tromped around in the woods behind my old house to see if we (I) could find Leader Green, our old fort. I did, in fact, find it, although somewhat worse for the wear. I took a few pictures, but not many, because as I told Ted, you can’t take pictures of memories. We also went to Paradisos and Dairy Queen, since we were down there, but we…

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busy, despite myself

busy day, despite myself. i got a site finished this morning, and then we went to buy a new split keyboard because there were no XP drivers for mine (fuckers), and while we were at Best Buy we accidentally bought SG-1 season 4. Oop. Stopped by the pound in hopes of finding Annie there, but we didn’t. :( We’ve put an ad in the paper and called Friends of Pets and put up posters. I don’t know what else to do. :( Um. What else. Oh. Then I went and…

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My alumni card finally arrived, and my headache seems to have finally gone away, or at least mostly. My desk is not as clean as it was, but I think I managed to keep it clean for a week. Obviously not a lot of news today.


I slept so hard I have a headache. :P

missing annie :(

My family’s dog got loose two nights ago (the 2nd) at Mount Vernon Court in mid-town Anchorage between Arctic and C Street (Benson and Tudor are the east-west roads on that block). I know it’s an awfully long shot, but if anybody sees her, please email me at kit AT mizkit DOT com. Her name is Annie and she’s very old and fragile and I’m awfully worried about her. :( Thanks.