My family’s dog got loose two nights ago (the 2nd) at Mount Vernon Court in mid-town Anchorage between Arctic and C Street (Benson and Tudor are the east-west roads on that block). I know it’s an awfully long shot, but if anybody sees her, please please email me at kit AT mizkit DOT com. Her name is Annie and she’s very old and fragile and I’m awfully worried about her. :( Thanks.

End Days

A fiction interlude, from The End of Days. The revolution began the day they closed the polls. Oh, we didn’t know it, then. It was only later that it became clear, embarrassingly clear. All the little signs, but then, they say hindsight is twenty-twenty. If you want to reach back and pick a date, there’s an easy one to see. They say a decade isn’t measured by the zeroes at the end of the Years Of Our Lord, but by the events that shape it. Going back a ways, the…

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hey patch

Hey, Patch, Quinton Hoover came by my page and responded to your comment about “The Proposal” Magic card.


Peter Wingfield interview! :)

whew. sort of.

Whew. Sort of, anyway. Travel plans are All Changed Around Now. We are now flying into Boston and immediately getting on a train to go to New Jersey. Then we will spend two days doing Wedding Things. Sunday we will go into NYC and meet up with hegemony, possibly meet up with Garrett on another day, and go to see the premiere preview of The Boy From Oz, which Hugh Jackman is starring in, on the 16th before flying back to Alaska from Newark on the 17th. o.o