Raaaaaaaining! I went on a 14 mile bike ride last night at 11pm, got up at 9 and went biking again, and it’s a good thing I did,’ cause the last couple of miles it started RAAAAAAAAINING. It was fun. *beam* 17.2 miles this morning. And there’s THUNDER! miles to Mordor: 379.2
Category: Uncategorized
ooh, vicious
Ooh. This is a very cool and vicious t-shirt. I want one. That’s all I have to report thus far this morning. :)
jeez o flip
Jeez o flip. I spent, like, a lot of hours tonight working on the Chance series overview, and it came out to only 861 words. I hate that! I also went on a bike ride this evening. I meant to go on a rather long one, but when I was halfway done with it I had to pee so very badly that I had to come home, and I never went out biking again. Oh well! 9 miles isn’t too bad! Oh! Oh! I forgot to mention! Last night while…
beatsheets done!
The Chance beatsheets are done! Now all that’s left is writing a 1-2 page series overview and a cover letter, and then I can send it out. Possibly tonight, more likely tomorrow night. But yay! And gosh, now I’m only 52,000 words behind for my mid-year wordcount goal. I could catch up. That’s only… 3000 words a day… o.O ytd wordcount: 148,200
Busy busy busy. Went on a lovely 20.7 mile bike ride last night, and then we went over to Gavin’s Mom’s for dinner, and then we came home and went *tud* and then Ted got up much too early to go in to stupid stupid work and then Chanti and I got up quite a lot later and went on a mile-long walk around the neighborhood, which was not as much fun as the coastal trail but was much, much less buggy. And now the sun has gone away and…