Grr. 100megs was doing something and I couldn’t get in to my cgi-bin to make a posting. Grumble. Mutter. :P Anyway. V. busy day today. Got up at 7am and let the dogs out before writing 1770 or something like that words, then had french toast for breakfast and went to West High to buy a swim pass, which, yay, is a 30-day swim pass, not actually a *monthly* one, so I didn’t have to buy a $50 2 week pass. The nice man even gave me a few days…
Category: Uncategorized
finally, some words
Going walking in a bit here, but I wanted to finally update my wordcount: ytd wordcount: 130,810
Apparently I wrote a posting this morning and then forgot to post it before I used the window for something else. Sigh. We’re dogsitting Annie, my parents’ dog, while my parents are in New Mexico for a week. Annie is an old dog who doesn’t want to be bothered by children; Chanti is a new dog who wants to play with everybody. They’re going to drive me completely batshit. Hopefully they’ll get used to one another quickly enough to not make me entirely crazy. I did, though, call West High…
matrix: reloaded
Okay, what I want to know is how to get a Matrix body in 6 months without the benefit of a personal trainer breathing down your neck that whole time.
stinky puppy
Stinky puppy. I suspect the rawhide bone she finally deigned to chew up last night is the cause of stinkiness. Maybe no more rawhides for her. We went on another walk this morning. 2.5 miles. Not as early as I’d planned, as I didn’t get up til a quarter to seven, but at least we went! And I’m hoping the weather stays as nice as it is right now, so I can bike tonight. Well, I could bike even if it isn’t nice, but it’d be a lot more pleasant…