Doesn’t this photo of Orlando Bloom just kind of make you want to pin him down and lick him?
Category: Uncategorized
walky walky
I went on a little 1.5 mile walk tonight, and I *ran*. Several steps in a *row*. Three *times*. Now I’m sort of waiting to see if my back goes out. I’ve done my exercises and so far I’m okay, but man, talk about paranoid. We’ll see, I guess. miles to Rivendell: 21
Biked 12 miles yesterday. Today I’m going to go for an actual walk instead of biking, because I have Bike Butt From Heck. Ow. Plus my quads hurt. My grandma’s in the hospital, possibly with pneumonia. :( miles to Rivendell: 19.5 (slept v. well in green hill country at 18 miles, the first milestone!) Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 5.5
Dad’s on his way down to Seattle to see my grandmother, who has had a cold for the last week and who has developed a bit of a rattle in her chest. If people wanted to sort of send good thoughts her way, that’d be nice.
My Mom’s got this very cool oval-shaped peace pendant necklace. I coveted it when I was a teenager. Actually, I still covet it. Apparently my sister also coveted it. Mom’s been wearing it lately, and is therefore smug that she didn’t give it to either of us. Anyway, it seemed like a pretty good idea, wearing a peace symbol, so I dug mine, which is merely round and not nearly so cool, out of its resting place and found a chain for it, and put it on. All the cool…