Ahahahaha. I have learned how to make MTInclude do my evil bidding. More or less. The real trick will be seeing if I can trick it into playing the part of an actual template system. I may be able to. I also may not, but, well, we’ll see. o.o
Category: Uncategorized
goals: ytd
Goals: year to date. Parenthetical statements indicate # achieved in March. Words written anticipated: 99,000 achieved: 120,250 (22,850) Miles biked anticipated: 0 achieved: 11.25 Miles swum anticipated: 30 achieved: 17.8 (3.8) Drawings drawn anticipated: 30 achieved: 4 (2) Books read anticipated: 30 achieved: 25 (10) Pounds lost anticipated: 7.5 achieved: +5 (+3) Well. Let’s take a look at our goals achieved at a quarterly level. Obviously I kick ass in the writing department, am not too much of an embarrassment in the reading department, and have been doing all right,…
Aw! Following up Sarah’s nifty news, two rejection letters in the mail. One for Josie, from New American Library, and one for ANGLES, from Starscape. Phooey. Hm. I think I’ll send Angles to some agents now.
Hooray for Sarah! Silhouette just asked for the complete manuscript of her romance novel, NO ACCOUNTING FOR CHASE! YAAAAAAAAY SARAH!!!!
Oops. Apparently Zilli got stuck in the garage all night.