
I’m pretty angry with Ted’s work. He went to work before 9am yesterday. He got home at 5:30am. He’s now on his way back to work. Grrr.

coalition of the not so willing

Incidentally, since Garrett has been keeping track, I just thought I’d point out that Ireland isn’t part of the coalition of the willing, either. “We are not a part of the ‘coalition of the willing’. “International law, Irish law, UN law and EU law – all of them accept our position and, in fact, there are very few people who have difficulty in understanding our position and that is fact.”


Sarah’s stab at the thought process of my cats, who were very very angry about being washed: Not v. pretty after stupid human dunked me in torture tank. Must spend hours getting fur to lay down straight. Stupid human. Stupid dog. Think it’s all her fault. Plan to scratch her while she sleeps. That’ll show her. Ha ha ha. *howls of laughter*


I made stew for dinner. It was really, *really* good. I mean, it wasn’t especially interesting or exciting stew, but Ted does the cooking at our house, and I kept thinking “Well, he’ll be home tonight to cook,” and then he kept having to work (he’s at work now. again. still. Sigh. Poor Ted. :() and it was somewhere around Thursday, after two weeks of eating out or eating food from a box, that I thought, “Gosh, maybe I should start cooking some meals.” I mean, I know, that’s sort…

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a list of things

Herein is a list of things which might be accomplished by 4pm if one gets up at 7:30am on a day uninterrupted by work: 1. the laundry 2. the writing of 1100 words 3. the reading of a book 4. the walking of 2 miles 5. the washing of 2 cats 6. the checking of the mail, in which one might find a CD with one’s own name in the liner notes! (thank you, Emily!) music: 3-Finger Charlie, Urban Family Dog ytd wordcount: 120,280 miles walked to Rivendell: 13