So what /is/ this thing?

Oh, so what /is/ this Clean Air Challenge thing? It’s a 126 mile fundraiser bike ride–63 miles a day over two days–sponsored by the American Lung Association of Alaska, which is “dedicated to the conquest of lung disease and the promotion of lung health.” Last year I did the ride, but due to a screwed-up back, only (only!) completed 80 miles. It was exhausting, wearisome, insane, painful, and a lot of fun. My Dad and I are doing the ride this year, and I’m really looking forward to it. I…

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oh, so what is…

Oh, so what /is/ this Clean Air Challenge thing? It’s a 126 mile fundraiser bike ride–63 miles a day over two days–sponsored by the American Lung Association of Alaska, which is “dedicated to the conquest of lung disease and the promotion of lung health.” Last year I did the ride, but due to a screwed-up back, only (only!) completed 80 miles. It was exhausting, wearisome, insane, painful, and a lot of fun. My Dad and I are doing the ride this year, and I’m really looking forward to it. I…

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Miles walked to Rivendell: 11 Brr. Cold 2.5 mile walk today. Early in walk, noticed tire tracks along trail. Theorized Nazgul have upgraded to Ford pickups, having decided oily black horses good for show, but ineffective against raging rivers and elves. Hobbits no doubt doomed. Personally smug over whole issue, as *miles* behind hobbits, and therefore safe from nasty Ringwraiths. Unfortunately, Ringwraiths came back, Cleverly Disguised as city workers in red jackets and white pickups w/snowplows. On one hand, am v. pleased to have been correct in supposition. On other…

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Miles walked to Rivendell: 11 Brr. Cold 2.5 mile walk today. Early in walk, noticed tire tracks along trail. Theorized Nazgul have upgraded to Ford pickups, having decided oily black horses good for show, but ineffective against raging rivers and elves. Hobbits no doubt doomed. Personally smug over whole issue, as *miles* behind hobbits, and therefore safe from nasty Ringwraiths. Unfortunately, Ringwraiths came back, Cleverly Disguised as city workers in red jackets and white pickups w/snowplows. On one hand, am v. pleased to have been correct in supposition. On other…

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Miles walked to Rivendell: 8.5 V. nice walk today, appx. 2.5 miles. Shanghaied Shaun into walking with me. Suspect he may be elf, although shorn head, round ears preclude that. Still, is tall, blond, slender. Will be watching him carefully in future. Suspicious number of footprints on road to Rivendell. May have something to do with 1. not sneaking through trees like wretched hobbits, 2. annoying amount of snowfall to slog through. Note to self: find out how Legolas did that walk-on-snow trick. Suspect could be v. useful. Certain of…

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