Miles walked to Rivendell: 8.5 V. nice walk today, appx. 2.5 miles. Shanghaied Shaun into walking with me. Suspect he may be elf, although shorn head, round ears preclude that. Still, is tall, blond, slender. Will be watching him carefully in future. Suspicious number of footprints on road to Rivendell. May have something to do with 1. not sneaking through trees like wretched hobbits, 2. annoying amount of snowfall to slog through. Note to self: find out how Legolas did that walk-on-snow trick. Suspect could be v. useful. Certain of…
Category: Uncategorized
Miles walked to Rivendell
Inspired by the fact that people actually seem interested, I thought I’d repost my logged miles to Rivendell on LJ in order to help convince/inspire/whatever those folks who are looking interested. :) Miles walked to Rivendell, March 27: 6 2 miles today. V. disappointing, for weather was nasty: snowing & blowing. Snow made tickly prickles on my face, v. annoying. Yesterday much nicer, with clear skies & light breeze. Granted, only 35 degrees, but still v. nice, overlooking Hideous Foot Cramp that ended journey. Have completed 6 of 458 miles.…
this is a test…
AUGH. Ted’s going to have to work all THIS weekend TOO. AUGH. STUPID STUPID BACKUP SERVERS! *AUGH*!
no snow, no snow, nah nah nah!
Well, at least it’s stopped snowing. There’s 3 inches of snow on the ground, but at least it’s no longer coming down. The weather forecast says more snow tomorrow, though. WAH. Look at me, reduced to talking about the weather. Feh. I got up at a quarter to seven today. Yeesh.