Miles walked to Rivendell: 6 2 miles today. V. disappointing, for weather was nasty: snowing & blowing. Snow made tickly prickles on my face, v. annoying. Yesterday much nicer, with clear skies & light breeze. Granted, only 35 degrees, but still v. nice, overlooking Hideous Foot Cramp that ended journey. Have completed 6 of 458 miles. Go me! Am hoping to catch up with Sean AstSamwise Gamgee. Wretched hobbits have head start. Anticipate catching up only in several weeks, if at all. On positive side, hobbits must walk through snow…
Category: Uncategorized
I’m going to be very annoyed if my time stamp still isn’t working correctly. I’m ALSO very annoyed because it’s SNOWING. DAMMIT. I don’t WANT it to be snowing. I want it to be BEAUTIFUL. And WARM. *stomps around* I went for a 4 mile walk yesterday. When I got home my stoopid foot cramped up quite horribly. But Angie posted about this Walk to Rivendell thing (basically, walk 458 miles by Dec 17th, when Return of the King opens), which I think is a cool, geeky, fun idea, so…
Grr. My web hosting service has been extremely poor this month. A lot of down time. I’m not happy. Ted’s backups are apparently being corrupted, so once more, he’s stuck at work for all eternity. Grf. There is a great deal of ranting going on about the war today. Some of it is my ranting. My part of the ranting was inspired by someone asking that a group of people pray for the troops (the person who mentioned it said, “I kept my mouth shut,” which is reasonable as she’s…
yay ted!
Yay TED! He got the backups working! Yaaaaaaaay Ted!
the counting
The counting of the words, the counting of the words, high ho the derry-o, the counting of the words! Ok, that totally didn’t rhyme, but whatever. New words written: 798. Old words thrown out: 283. Sarah says I can count them in my YTD amount anyway, since they’re entirely new and rewritten and not merely revised, in which case I can add back in the 400ish or so words I wrote Thursday and threw out again. So not quite 1100 today, but close, and the 400 from the other day…