
Grumpy. My PHP templates have, for some reason or other, exploded, and none of my not-MT lower pages are working on any of my sites. Grumpy, grumpy grumpy. Given how many problems I’ve had with this PHP template setup, I should install a new one, but I REALLY don’t want to learn another one. It took months for me to wrap my brain around the last one. Sigh. :(


Marith is SO COOL! And *so* silly! *howls of laughter* I just got a box in the mail. The box has in it bath salts (which smell *wonderful*), a Veggie Tales Silly Song Countdown DVD, and best of *all*, a certificate of the Order of Supreme Looniness (Authors’ Division), (like this one) for all the writing I did in February. *helpless laughter* Marith is SO COOL!!! *Thank* you! *beam*


Man. My shoulder’s hurting today. I think I need to go see a massage therapist, rather than the chiropractor, because ultimately I think this is a muscle tension problem, rather than a spine alignment problem. Maybe I’ll go over to Undo Stress this weekend and see if they can pound some of the pain out of me. Hn. Maybe I should see about getting a haircut, too, since the hair cutting place is right next to the massage place. Thinks to do today: 1. write 1100 words (i caught up!)…

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2500 yards swum, and um. Oh yes, and I did my 15 minute walk. And we’re at war, oh yay. Apparently they saw Saddam going into a bunker a while ago, and dropped 2000 pounds of artillery on it. I said to Dad, “Why didn’t they just drop a Moab?” I hadn’t realized they only had one. And they used it to bomb Florida. Okay. I get that it was a test bomb. But does anybody else think that, y’know, last week, with a war coming up this week, somebody…

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Chipper! Writing makes a person chipper. I have managed 1901 words today and finished a chapter, which puts me 3 chapters into this YA novel, FOOL’S GOLD, that I’m working on. It is quite unashamedly inspired by the Elizabeth Smart case; my protagonist has just been removed from a similar situation, and the novel follows the next year of her life. I think the situation is absolutely fascinating psychologically and I’m hoping to do it justice. In other news, I rearranged my novels page so it’s all tidy and, er,…

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