
So out of the things I intended to accomplish yesterday, I … watched Buffy. :) Got the bills done this morning, and none of the other items have been much more than vaguely considered. C’est la vie. Today… I should swim, but I suspect I’ll walk instead, because 1. it’s a beautiful day, and 2. I haven’t quite resigned myself to rearranging my schedule so that I shower in the evenings at the pool instead of showering at home in the morning, and going and soaking my nice clean hair…

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another test

This is a test to see if my server/mt is still screwed up…


Whew. In a fit of something, I sat down and wrote letters to all my Childreach kids today, which is something I should’ve done a VERY LONG TIME ago, but on this one I’ll grant myself better-late-than-never dispensation and move on. Furthermore, Marith, who is extra nifty, decided to sponsor a kid, too, so all around it’s been a fine afternoon! I think my other to-do items for today are go for a walk, finish reading a book, and perhaps write a synopsis for the Skylar book, which I think…

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Yay! Heart of Stone made it safely to NYC! Anna will read it as soon as she can. :) In other news, I think I actually slept too long last night. Can you imagine? I went to sleep exhausted at 10:30pm and woke up at 4:30 and really probably could have gotten up, but c’mon already. So I slept until 7:30 and I’m sorta stiff and sore. Oop. Um. Well. That’s all the news that’s fit to print, this morning. Time for breakfast! :)


Fortunately, I /had/ arranged for a ride to the pool, so I swam 2500 yards. I’ve also done couple of drawings, thanks to Ursula’s Art Challenge. Ursula’s very cool. I’d like to grow up to be her. Yet another day of No Writing.