500ish words written so far today. That’s a little over 10K for the year so far. Yay!
Category: Uncategorized
entry #1000
This is entry #1000 on my weblog/journal thing since I switched it to a comments-based system. Apropos of nothing. Accomplishments thus far today: I plugged my computer speakers in. Well, hey, at least it’s /something/, right? Fixed a couple bugs at work, too, actually. Lunch now, then to sleep. Or something like that. Or maybe something more like fixing more bugs and then going to a guitar lesson. O.O
I swimmed! 1800 yards. It was nice. My ears are not too watery today. I have an Amazingly Ugly Bruise on the top of my right foot. Ted and I discussed the possibility that it was caused by the dog jumping on my foot, but we decided it was more likely to be the Foot Gnomes. After further discussion, we realized that probably the Foot Gnomes liked to chase the cats, which is why cats suddenly leap up and run around the house like fools for no apparent reason. Furthermore,…
*pantpantpant* 600ish words written. Upstairs vacuumed. Stairs vacuumed. Cake made. Kitchen cleaned. Kitty litter cleaned. Kitchen floor swept. Random Junk Lying Around put away. Downstairs bathroom swept. Discovered do not own mop. More things put away. Must vacuum downstairs. Then house will be presentable to Jai. *pantpantpant* Oh, because people keep asking: S&3 means synopsis & 3 chapters.
Man. No email from the publisher. I’d worked myself into an Unreasonable Hope, this morning. :)