vocabulary test

This is a very aggravating vocabulary test. I got 157 out of 200 (and apparently forgot to answer 3). I disagree with at least a third of the ones it says I got wrong, ’cause I don’t think that all of those words are necessarily opposites or the same. Trip, who is Better Than Me, or who at the very least has a larger vocabulary, got 180 out of 200. Sulk. :)

more writing!

I’ve started what I hope will be a very silly short story which I would adore to submit to the Chicks anthologies, although I don’t know if they’re publishing any more of them. But anyway, be that as it may, I wrote more! Yay! today’s wordcount: 2764 ytd wordcount: 6600

I wrote!

I wrote! Finally. o.o 1700 words, which may be all for the day or it may not, but at least it’s my quota and then 600 makeup words. I figure if I do 300 makeup words a day I’ll be caught up by the end of February… o.o

guitar lessons! eep!

I’ve set up guitar lessons. Eeep! Starting next Wednesday. Double eep! O.O

on war

This is a lovely, pissed-off commentary by author John LeCarre on the Bush regime and its warmongering, by way of Charlie’s Diary.