Chugging along. I have 60 pages left to read/edit in US and then I’ll, um. Re-read it. I’ve walked 4 miles since yesterday’s posting, so I’m ever closer to Rivendell. We went and saw 13 Going On 30 last night, then watched 3 episodes of Alias, so it was a very heavy Jennifer Garner night. 13->30 is very cute. Alias is very good. I had Jennifer Garner dreams last night. (Ted said,”Jeez. I had post apocalyptic alien invasion dreams.”) And oh, Hot Licks opened! A couple of weeks ago, apparently! So after the movie we went and had ice cream sundaes. Hot Licks makes all its own ice cream by hand. I had *really* good peanutbutter chip ice cream with caramel topping. MmmMMMMMmmmm. Ted had a hot fudge sundae with English toffee ice cream. MmmMMMMmmmm. I must make a habit of not going there very often. :)
I’m considering trying a bike ride this afternoon. I was going to wait til next weekend, but, erm. I might not feel like waiting. It’s pretty nice out.
Um. Gaming tonight, at least in theory. The Kevin Smith thing got put off til next weekend, apparently. And oh! I got the new Jim Byrnes CD. Haven’t listened to it yet. Maybe as a reward for finishing my last 60 pages.
Ok, back to the grindstone. See, the thing is that I actually have two jobs. I never leave the house, so it doesn’t really *seem* like I’ve got two jobs, but I actually do. Sometimes it seems like I’m working all the damned time.
miles to Rivendell: 420
*sympathy about the overworked bit* I know the feeling. It sucks mightily.
I’m not exactly overworked. It’s just… two jobs. :)