comic books

At some point here I’m going to talk about the fascinating (to me, anyway) collaborative process of creating a comic book. I’m also going to talk about real life comic book physics, or at least stuff that makes me think of them that way.

Apparently, however, I’m not going to do that now. I couldn’t figure out why I was so *tired*, until I remembered that I walked 6 miles today. I trekked down to the bank to try this whole wiring thing again. We’ll see how it goes, won’t we.

The part of me that is Good and Noble and True thinks I should go finish up Chance #4. The part of me that is reality-based thinks I’m going to slink downstairs and watch a movie or some tv or something. *yawn*

miles to Isengard: 254
ytd wordcount: 288,600

1 thought on “comic books

  1. Comic Book Physics! YAY! I’m planning (sort of vaguely) to use some comic book stuff in my physics classes this year.

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