cool! November 25, 2003 Need a new d20? Or more to the point, an old one? Share this:TweetLike this:Like Loading...
Vas is d20? I didn’t even know you bid on stuff – or even could bid on stuff – at Christy’s. Loading...
OH NOS! The d20 System is as old as Ancient Rome itself! I KNEW Wizards of the Coast was up to no good with that whole business there! Loading...
Vas is d20? I didn’t even know you bid on stuff – or even could bid on stuff – at Christy’s.
d20 is a gamer term for a 20-sided die used in D&D and other such games. :)
They had D&D in ancient Rome! *laughs*
Oh, cooool! Wouldn’t that be something to break out at a gaming session =)
OH NOS! The d20 System is as old as Ancient Rome itself! I KNEW Wizards of the Coast was up to no good with that whole business there!