God *damn* it god *damn* it god *damn* it god *damn* it, I just fried my motherfucking printer’s power source and I need to print this piece of shit book out and read it on paper so I can fucking rewrite it and *god damn it*, god damn it god *damn* it.
i’m emailing it to dad who is going to get it printed out in dublin. hopefully today. guess i’m taking the next train in, although i guess i might as well wait to see if it can get printed out today or if i’m going to have to wait. god *damn* it.
anybody want to be a beta reader? i need somebody who doesn’t mind spoilers for thunderbird falls, because there are spoilers in this book for it, and who can read the fucking book in, oh, the next 24 hours and give me real, genuine, solid feedback, not just ‘i liked it’, because i know there are things wrong with it and i even know what some of them are, but if i could get any feedback on ‘this didn’t work for me’ it would be incredibly helpful. it’s a 420 page manuscript and it’s rough and i am full of hatred for it right now, so it’s possible it’s not as bad as i think it is, but … anyway. email me or leave a comment if you’d like to beta read. if i don’t pick you, don’t get offended, because i won’t have time for more than one or two people’s feedback.
i cannot believe i blew up my fucking printer. i shipped it from alaska for the express purpose of rendering it FUCKING USELESS.
(eta: dad just called to say the manuscript was being printed even as we spoke. i will go into dublin and get it. i am still not happy, but that helps a lot. i cannot do edits onscreen. my brain doesn’t work that way. i *need* the printout.
i think i may cry.)
I’d be happy to be a beta reader. Just let me know if I make the cut! :)
I’ve shipped more things to more places and broken them than I care to remember. The only thing more annoying than breaking the equipment you just shipped is unpacking an item you’re sure you gave away two moves ago. And we had the nerve to wonder how we could have 12,000 lbs in household goods!
It’s printing in a little shop called Right Click, right now. :)
My email to you bounced, EJ…
eek!!! *hugs* (i’d sooo be jumping at the chance to beta… except i’m incompetent :D )
{{Catie}} But what a terrific Papa you have! Your very own white charger.
*hugs Jeanne back* I have a wonderful daddy. :)
*laughs at MM* Well, the thought is nice, or something. :)
That sucks Catie.
I’d offer to be a beta reader, but I’ve not yet gotten the copy of Urban Shaman you were sending me.
Eeee! ((Catie))
I’d love to beta read, too, but I don’t read fast enough. :(
I’m sorry to hear about your printer (I wish they’d pick a nice day where nothing was happening to do that).
I’d be happy to beta read :)
I loved “Urban Shaman”, would be happy to beta-read this one or anything else. I have actually done quite a bit of critique and am an active member of a local writer’s group (if that helps).
I loved Urban Shaman I want to be a beta-reader too.
I am good minion * sitting doggie begging postions*. Don’t have real job too interfear with reading, but no computer to send too. I want be beta reader *grovel* Proudfit