did I mention the hot and sweaty?

Did I mention the hot and sweaty?

Up at the crack of 9 this morning to stagger about in a slow fashion and ultimately find some breakfast and go down to Trinity Church and Ground Zero. We weren’t 100% sure we were going the right direction, although we left the subway station from the southwest corner, which implied the right direction. Then, a couple blocks from the station, there was suddenly this huge, gaping hole in the city of New York.

We were going the right direction.

Ground Zero’s a little strange. It’s so… empty. A block of emptiness, a tremendous hole in the earth, where one expects there to be city. I can’t imagine how jarring it must be for New Yorkers: it’s shocking enough to somebody from out of town.

Planning to find St. James the Divine (or Unfinished, as Dor calls it) this afternoon, probably after a bit of food.

Oh! I won the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ contest for the SF/F part! I’d tell you more about it, but I only have 45 seconds left on this ticket. :)

11 thoughts on “did I mention the hot and sweaty?

  1. *giggle* All the good stuff is in my email at home and I can’t access it anyway. I’ll quote what TNH said on, uh, Wednesday when I get back. :)

    Thanks, guys. :)

  2. Kit

    Congrats on the contest and good luck tommorow.

    Glad you’re safe – hey – you could be flying during the hurricane!


  3. Congratulations to the winnah! :)

    And I think it’s St. John the Unfinished.

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