done done DONE

WAYFINDER is signed, sealed and delivered. Or more like revised, spellchecked and delivered, but it’s DONE. Done done DONE.

One book left to write, and then half a year OFF*.

thinks to do:
Feb 19: WAYFINDER due
Jun 30: New book proposals due

*You people keep disbelieving I can take half a year off. For the record, I define “time off” as “not writing a book to contract”, which obviously it doesn’t include having to do revisions or creating proposals for new books, because hey, this /is/ my job. However, aside from that: watch me.

3 thoughts on “done done DONE

  1. Obviously the disbelief comes in between your definition of off and that of everyone else.

    I can totally see you taking your 6 months and having “OOOOOOH SHINEY!!!!!” time with it.

    I cannot see you not writing or coming up with tons of new projects.

    1. I figure I’m good for at least three months of genuinely not writing. Nobody believes that, either, but I do have non-writing stuff to focus on, and what you guys *don’t* see is how willing I’ve been to just sit and do nothing during any time when I don’t have a deadline pressing. I’ve been pushing myself very hard for a long time. My brain will be happy to have a non-writing-focused break. :)

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