drive-by posting

Not 5 minutes after we arrived at WFC I saw , so we hung out, met other people, went through swag bags, chatted, all that sort of thing, and the afternoon and evening proceeded much apace. The ZOMBIES NEED BRAINS! party was a rousing success, and are satisfied that Ted in fact exists, and on our way out for the evening we met the guy who does all the SF/F ordering for Waterstones bookstore in the UK & Ireland. He saw my name and said, “Ah! You’re coming soon to a store near you!” when he heard we lived in Ireland. He’s just put in orders for HEART OF STONE, which he hopes/thinks will sell well. Yay!

AND! made a successful batch of stew from the recipe I gave her! I’m so proud of her! Yaaaaaay! :)

Ok, zooming out the door to the con. I’ll try to post more tomorrow morning.

Oh yeah: I’m sick. Again. For God’s sake. @.@

14 thoughts on “drive-by posting

  1. I am sorry that you are sick on your trip. My hubby is sick again too…the poor fellow is so stuffed up that at 4am I had to go to the guest room. His stuffed up nose noises were even scaring the cats

  2. I am having some funs! Has not been going too fastly, but writing anyways! Apparently writing a character driven story as don’t know exactly where goes story. : )

    You Papa masquerading as Chefted

  3. Purchased my copy of “Heart of Stone” yesterday at a U.S. Barnes & Noble. Cannot wait to read it! But first I wish to finish your Walker Papers Chronicles (started Thunderbird last night).

  4. If by any wild chance you run into a guy called Jess Nevins, tell him I said hello.

    So, the bookstores of Ireland are going to be overrun with your books. You go, girl! (As I believe you young people say…)

  5. Snag some Zicam from a drugstore, babe, and get some major vitamin C down your gullet. Srsly. Kicks the crap out of viruses. Hope you feel better soon! *hugs*

  6. Was good to see you! and I’m sure glad we caught each other early; wish we’d gotten more time to sit down and chat amidst all the running around.

  7. It was wonderful to see you, and indeed, I wish we’d had more time to talk! That’s one of the dangers of cons, isn’t it. :) Never enough time to talk, for all that you spend all the time talking!

  8. There are people of whom I can say, “I had enough of so-and-so at World Fantasy.” But it’s one of those Minnesota insults; of the people I like, I didn’t have enough of a single one of them!

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