edit edit edit

Muchas editingas today. (That’s Spanish for ‘much editing’ today.) The first third of Angles is fully edited, now, and I’m giving myself 1/2 credit in wordcount for rewrites. So that’s 7000 words of rewrites today. (Too bad the /writing/ part doesn’t pile up that fast!)

I’ve also gotten about 300 words written on Fool’s Gold, but I think once more they’re all words that need to be thrown out. Right idea, wrong approach, just like ch. 4. That’s a real bother, you know? I like getting it right the first time. *laugh* Who doesn’t? I’ll do an actual wordcount later tonight, after getting my 1100 words in for the day. Or however much I write.

Now, or soon, at least, I’m going swimming.

4 thoughts on “edit edit edit

  1. “mucho corrigiendo hoy” is the correct spanish for ‘much editing today’.

  2. Ah, your family is also the type who will say they are pregnant when they mean they are embarrassed, I bet.

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