Evolution of a stripe:
Stage one: pin everything but the bleachy bits back unattractively; Stage two: Walrus tusks:
Stage three: wet head! and Stage four: Stripe!
Happy geek. :)
Oh yeah, and for my own personal further use: I used L’oreal Feria Extra Bleach Blonde for this.
That looks really nice!
Thank you! I am v. pleased with it! And I better be, ’cause I don’t get to bleach it again until the end of July. ;)
Is this a self-imposed rule or some obscure bit of hair care lore that I don’t know about?
Self-imposed, because if I’m not incredibly strict with myself I’ll end up melting my hair again. So I only get to re-bleach it before Events. This week’s event is X2 opening Friday. :) I’ll rebleach it before I go Outside for a writer’s weekend in July, and then before your wedding. And then if I’ve managed to lose 30 pounds, before Matrix: Revolution, too, so I can be all spiffy and edgy for it. :)
Sweet!!! I love the stripes. :)