flat as a pancake

I feel flat as a pancake.

Gary ought to be home this morning, so that’s good. Ted was reading all the comments last night and said, “You have nice friends,” to me, so thank you all for the good wishes and good thoughts. Very much appreciated. We have pictures of Gary’s heart, now. It’s sort of like magic!

Our neighbors have put their house on the market for $219K. We’re waiting with fascination to see if it sells at that, because it’s identical to ours, except they have much less land than we do. We paid $169K for ours (though admittedly, we got a deal). Wouldn’t it be nice to turn a $50K profit in just three years? o.o

Going to a movie with Jai and Emily tonight. That should be fun.

Need to make chiro appointments.

US popped back up into the 1700s on Amazon this morning. I have absolutely no idea what that means. I just thought I’d mention it. :)

Pancakes sound good. *sigh*

miles to Rauros Falls: 348

2 thoughts on “flat as a pancake

  1. In an attempt to make it readable for everybody, yah. It seems to be working better for people now. That’s good.

    And no, indeed, $50K is nothing to sneeze at. :)

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