I just finished re-reading Black Sun Rising. *God*, I love that book. I like the ending of that book better than any other book I’ve ever read in my entire life, and, as Sarah said, I’ve read a lot. The entire book is, in one way, a glorious, huge, wonderful setup for a punchline that I will never get over the glee of, no matter how many times I read it. Every time I read the book, I re-read the last several pages several times in a row, just because it’s *so* *wonderful*. I just can’t get over how amazingly perfect it is. *laugh* *God*, I love that book! *laugh*
I was a lot more aware, in this reading, of *how* the book is written. Noticing on an active level things like POV changes and sentence structures, and how one character’s perceptions are different from others and the kinds of language they use. Thank goodness this does nothing to dilute my delight in the book. :)
I was going to say a lot more, but I’ve gotten caught up talking about Sarah’s book with her, and now whatever I was going to say has fled my head. Bai bai thoughts!
This would be the Friedman book? Loved that trilogy so much I’ve been afraid of re-reading it in case it isn’t equally mindblowing the next time around. Maybe it’s time to give it another try after all.
Did a random google on the title, and one of the top listed reviews was by somebody who grouched about it being some standard d&d quest with overly simple language. *rubs eyes in disbelief*. Guess he missed the pun in his assumption it was a simple book =)
Some day I’ll have to pick that book up again and get past the first 100 pages, clearly. :)
I also just reread it, and I also just re-read the last 10 pages because they’re so much fun. :) It’s great, because not only is it an excellent first book in a series, it’s an excellent book all on its own.
Yeah, it would be the Friedman book, and this isn’t the first time I’ve re-read it, and the first book, at least, stands up to the re-reading.
Wow, though. I suppose one could see it as a standard D&D adventure, although I never had. And I *really* don’t see how the characters can be considered standard or simple. I think they’re intensely complex and multi-faceted.
Mony: on re-reading this time around, I was surprised at the pace of the book. In memory, it was a much faster read, less detail-oriented and, well, faster. But I think the pacing ultimately works very well, because for me, at least, the slower pace draws me in to the characters and makes me read a great deal more carefully, and the payoff for that is tremendous. And… I’d have to go look, but I’m pretty sure the most interesting character is introduced after the first hundred pages, and that becomes the point at which I’m sooooo invested in the characters that it’s ridiculous. :)
*beams at Laura* Yeah. *beam*
now i have to read the book
guess i know what i’ll be doing this weekend!