good heavens!

Good heavens! A Starling appeared online tonight! I’d just been thinking about her yesterday, and lo, today she has arrived! Apparently she’s got a new job, a new car, a new class schedule, a new cell phone and is thinking of a new horse. Which is typically mad. She seems to be doing quite well, and this is my stand-in for a guest update for her journal. :)

There was no gaming tonight. Christopher evidently had a brain fart and failed to tell us that either there was no gaming or that it was being held elsewhere, so we showed up at Jack’s place at 4 and he was staggering around getting ready to go back to work, where he’s been for 2 weeks solid and had just come home for a couple of hours’ nap. We fed him some cookies and told him he didn’t need to apologize (which he was doing profusely) and went home. So no gaming. Instead I’ve gamed online all night, which has been very nice. And I only read a couple of GNs today, no real books. So there. :)

Oh! But I did get my ear repierced. They ID’d me. Buh. I mean, buh. 31 years old. I didn’t get carded when I was 17 and got my ear pierced. I repeat, buh. But I now have 5 ear holes again, so I am pleased! Yay!

2 thoughts on “good heavens!

  1. They ID’d me.

    Well! That’s a compliment! :)

    But I now have 5 ear holes again, so I am pleased! Yay!


  2. *snicker* I think it’s anal retentitiveness on the part of a company that’s terrified of being sued rather than complimentary, but complimentary is a much nicer way to look at it. :)

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