goodness gracious!

Goodness grace-ee-ous! I actually wrote this morning! I woke up at a very sensible (okay, HOW DID THIS BECOME SENSIBLE?) 5:35 or so, lazed around in bed for twenty minutes, then rolled out, showered, and wrote. 1200 words, which is rather a lot shy of the 3K I had vague goals of hitting, but rather a lot more than I’ve written recently. I’m writing this thing in first person and I’m practically certain I’m going to need to convert it to third, but I’ll worry about that later. For the moment, I have achieved a chapter one, and that pleases me. :)

And now I’m very hungry, so off I go to get some food.

ytd wordcount: 197,300

3 thoughts on “goodness gracious!

  1. It’s a Bombshell idea. It needs a whole lot of work. I’m not yet prepared to let people look at it ’cause I’m not comfortable enough with it yet. Maybe in 30K or so. :)

  2. Great balls of fire!

    (And I’ll never be able to see that phrase again without thinking of Troy and the fireball attack on the beach…)

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