
*Grntlglghtggggh* I just spent the last hour chasing stupid, stupid Zilli all over the back yard. He got out when I put the stupid dog out and she ran around like an idiot and the cats ran out. *Grhglglhgg*

3 thoughts on “*grnrnggnng*

  1. Stupid, *stupid* Zilli.

    We had to do that with Keetahn (again) a couple of days ago when the Roommate let him out.


  2. Over-excitable beastie! I have the devil’s own job getting the girls back into the house when I have to go out. Shrubs are not an advantage. Nor are porous hedges.

    Now that the mosquito season is here, my evenings are full of “MEOW MEOW MEOW I am on the WRONG SIDE of the DOOR MEOW!”. Sometimes I wish Libby was still an indoor cat. But then I’d still have to put up with “MEOW MEOW MEOW you’re on the PHONE not talking to ME MEOW!”. Hmm. Which is less aggravating? I can’t decide!

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